Cadoxton share learnings on ageism after visiting our Penarth Club!

Our Penarth Club were involved in major project for students from Cadoxton Primary School to find out more about ageism and the impact it can have on older people. 

The project asked the school’s pupils to explore their thoughts on older people, what older people think about aging and ageism, and how they can support older people to feel happy and welcomed in their local community.

Across several weeks, they visited local groups such as our Club in Penarth, a trip to the Music in Mind group in the Maragaret Alexander Community Hall, as well as speaking with Rhian Bowen-Davies, the Older People Commissioner for Wales.

Chatting and playing games!

The pupils from Cadoxton visited our Penarth Club in October 2024 to join our Club members in their weekly session at Penarth Rugby Club, where they had the chance to meet with them all, find out more about why they attend Sporting Memories and how sport has played a role in their lives.

There was plenty of discussion around which sports the members and pupils enjoyed, including what football teams they like. There was also even time for a game of Boccia game between the pupils and our members, where the young children from Cadoxton won a tight affair by 7-6, before drinks and biscuits to round off an enjoyable afternoon.

As part of the project, Cadoxton Primary School produced a short film reflecting on their time looking into ageism and meeting local groups including our Penarth Club. You can view some of the pupils visit to our Club below.

Plans for the future

Reflecting on their involvement with the school project, Rob Baker, our Project Coordinator for Wales, was keen to see the connection between the pupils and our members continue into the future.

“I’m really pleased our Penarth group were able to help with the Cadoxton School project on ageism, and judging by the reaction of our members after their visit it also had a profound impact on them as well.

“They really enjoyed engaging with the young pupils and are definitely keen for a boccia rematch in the future after their narrow defeat, so hopefully we can arrange a time for another visit.”

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