Embracing the Summer of Sport – Penarth host sports day for Welsh clubs

Sporting Memories Wales got into the Olympic spirit by hosting their own Summer of Sport event at Penarth Rugby and Athletic Club on Wednesday 7 August. 

Over 30 members from across our Clubs in South Wales gathered for a day of reminiscing about sport, discussing the current Olympic Games and taking part in a range of activities including quizzes and sports including curling.

The day began with some discussions about the current Olympic Games before it was time for everyone to meet Leif Thorboe, a former GB Taekwondo para-athlete. During his time at the event Leif spoke about his career in parasport including taking part at World Championships before discussing his current role with Disability Sport Wales, helping to promote parasports across the country.

Leif then delivered a session of Boccia for those in attendance, with all Club members in attendance testing out their skills. On a day of sporting activity, members also took part in playing some indoor curling too as well as trying their Boccia skills outside in the open air, following learning the ropes inside.

The group then enjoyed a well-deserved lunch and some refreshments before gathering into their teams for an Olympic themed quiz. It was a fiercely fought contest between the Clubs in attendance with our members from our Pontypridd RFC Club taking home the winning trophy – as they did at last year’s summer gathering.

Rob Baker, Project Coordinator for Wales, reflected on an enjoyable day for everyone in attendance: “It was great to see members from several Clubs across Wales mingling and sharing memories throughout the Sports day.

“There was a nice spirit to the gathering with everyone getting involved with the Olympic themed quiz as well as taking part in the sport competitions going on inside as well as outside. I’d like to also thank Leif for coming along and sharing his story of being a para-athlete as well as his current role with Disability Sport Wales.”

If you would like to find out more about Sporting Memories Wales, please get in contact with Rob via rob.baker@sportingmemories.uk or on 07515 916 305

Comments: 1 (Add)

Ian Mickiewicz on August 18 2024

This event was an outstanding success. We all enjoyed . Many thanks to the organisers, without whose hard work behind the scenes, this event would not have achieved the success that it did ???


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