Fore! Kirkcaldy and St Columba's clubs try new golf game to Europe!
Our Kirkcaldy and St Columba's clubs have been invited over recent weeks to try an exciting new game of golf, which has just made its way to Europe!
Members from both clubs visited Dunnikier Park Community Golf (DPCG) to partake in a session of Park Gowf - based on the game of ParkGolf, which is played by millions of people in Japan and in the USA. Dunnikier Park believe they are the first place in Europe to be playing the game of Park Gowf, meaning our club members got to experience something truly unique.
Park Gowf removes all the technical challenges of playing traditional golf and is simple and safe to play – it simply involves a player, one club and one ball, played over a short course of around 500 yards – this in comparison to traditional golf which is played over thousands of yards!
Since May, our clubs in Kirkcaldy and St Columba's have been able to experience Park Gowf during their regular Sporting Memories sessions, with members enjoying their time completing the six-hole course.
Gary Waddell, Group Delivery and Practice Coordinator for Sporting Memories Foundation Scotland, reflected on the entertaining sessions both clubs have had.
“Our clubs are about keeping people engaged as well as active, so it was fantastic that Dunnikier Park Community Golf have been so welcoming to our members over the past few weeks and months.
“Speaking to our members, they really enjoyed the opportunity to experience Park Gowf and put their skills to the test. Some of our members are in their 90’s and looked at home on the greens which was brilliant to see.”
To find out more about Dunnikier Park, visit the website here.
To find out more about our clubs in Kirkcaldy and St Columbia, please contact Gary via
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