My Granny has taken up Shinty and she loves it!
Sporting Memories isn’t all about football and cricket and isn’t just for men! This tale below explores how a traditional Scottish sport has captured the minds and bodies of one of our groups in Scotland. Let’s take a trip to Lochgilphead to find out more.
Lochgilphead is a town in Argyll & Bute on Scotland’s world renowned West Coast. Set amongst stunning mountains and lochs, Lochgilphead residents enjoy a very traditional Highland way of life and when it comes to sport - one of the more popular games is Shinty! For those that may not be aware of what Shinty is, here’s a brief explanation:
Shinty (Scottish Gaelic: camanachd, iomain) is a team game played with sticks and a ball. Shinty is now played mainly in the Scottish Highlands and amongst Highland migrants to the big cities of Scotland, but it was formerly more widespread in Scotland and was even played in northern England into the second half of the 20th century
Shinty is NOT hockey by any means. It is a sport for the fearless with a small white missile being hurled at great speeds both above and on the ground with up to 24 players careering around the pitch at top speed. So, when we heard that our Sporting Memories club in Lochgilphead were playing Shinty we had to see this to believe it.
Snowdrop Seniors learn to play Shinty!
It turns out that a new group – The Snowdrop Seniors – are learning how to play after many years of watching their children playing and cheering from the sidelines. Laurene, our volunteer at the Snowdrop Centre, told us she had set up a taster session of chair and walking based Shinty for members – many of whom are ladies – and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and in fact it all became aa bit competitive.
Laurene said: “After the summer we finally got the ladies back up and running so we are looking to have our sporting memories regular afternoons but we had a taster session of walking shinty which they all enjoyed and hopefully have encouraged a few more to come along on a regular basis.  It just goes to show you are never too old to play Shinty.”
Indeed, the ladies are taking great pride in being able to tell their grandchildren they have taken up this energetic sport!
Our Mid Argyll club meets every week at the Snowdrop Centre, Lochgilphead on a Friday at 12.30 – 13.30. Contact for more details. And watch out if you are driving past the centre in case a small white missile comes flying out the window on a Friday at lunchtime!
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