Penarth Club try Clock Cricket!

In February, our Club in Penarth in south Wales, were delighted to welcome along Clock Cricket CIC to their weekly session for a day of being active.

Sadie Lewis from Clock Cricket CIC joined the session held at Penarth Rugby Club where she spent time with the members as they spoke about sport and life, as well as then teaching them how to play the version of cricket which can be played indoors.

Our group gathered around to play Clock Cricket, using the safe-soft equipment, every member got a go at bowling and batting as they racked up over 300 runs combined during their efforts playing.

It was a fun day for all the members with plenty of encouragement as well as laughter had as everyone gave Clock Cricket a go!

Rob Baker, Project Co-Ordinator for Sporting Memories in Wales, said: “A big thanks to Sadie for coming along to our Penarth Club to deliver the Clock Cricket session to our members. It’s always nice to provide different activities for our members, and giving them a new version of cricket to enjoy really brought the best out of them.

“We’re always keen to hear from local organisations and projects which work alongside to provide engaging and impactful events and activities for our members as well as older people in local communities.”

To find out more about our Penarth Club, get in contact with Rob through or by calling 07515 916 305

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