Reflecting on royal connections to sport during Coronation
This week marks the Coronation of King Charles III (6 May 2023), and to
recgonise this historic occasion for the United Kingdom, we have put together
some of the Royal connected sporting highlights we have mentioned in our
previous editions of our Sporting Pinks, for you to view.
Our Sporting Pinks are a series of printed and digital publications that we use at our Clubs to introduce fun activities and help stimulate sporting memories. They contains articles, quizzes, activities and more.
The Sporting Pinks are an absolute vital resource for all of our clubs, particularly our social licencees and care home clubs that use the Pinks to develop engaging sessions that create stimulating conversation for older people around sport as well as allow club members to get active.
For this weekend only, you can download three copies of the Sporting Pink below which contains royal connections to sporting events or achievements. Please click on the links below to view them.
Sporting Pink on Royal Interest in Steeplechasing post-war
Sporting Pink on Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to Wimbledon during her Silver Jubilee
Sporting Pink on HRH Princess Anne winning Sports Personality of the Year in 1971
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