Rumney Hub enjoy their latest session with Glyn taking home the trophy!
Across our network of Sporting Memories Wales Clubs, there are always a range of fun activities for our members to get stuck into and this was certainly true of our Rumney Hub Club earlier this Month.
All About Rumney
Our Club held at the Rumney Hub, is open every Wednesday between 10am – 12pm and welcomes older people from the local community in for a couple of hours of chat and sports-based activities every week.
Led by Jane Clemence and the brilliant volunteers for the past couple of years, they have been involved in a number of exciting activities including trying out Clock Cricket as well as heading along to our Welsh Get Together in 2022 – which you can read about here.
A busy afternoon in April!
In their session on the 17th April, the group came together for their weekly meeting and got stuck into the session with a chat about all things sport led by the Club volunteers Phil, Kath and Martyn. This was followed by the quiz using the questions provided in the Sporting Pink which is sent out to all of our Clubs to support their activities.
This also included all the members have a go at the Spot The Ball game included with the Pink, with Club member Glyn coming out as the winner, getting his guess of where the ball was in the sports picture closest to where it was!
Finally it was time to round up the session with a competitive game of Boccia. All the Club members were involved in the game as they all split into team red and team blue to take on each other with a friendly spirit in the air, despite them all wanting to win!
Reflections on Rumney Hub
Rob Baker, our Project Coordinator in Wales, shared his thoughts on the Club in Rumney.
“It’s great to see our Clubs thriving across Wales and I always hear from Jane about how the Club is faring and the enjoyment the members are getting from the sessions.
“I know a lot of that is also down to the great volunteers Jane has at the Club – the likes of Phil, Kath and Martyn make such a huge difference to making the Club a success, so on behalf of Sporting Memories I’d like to thank them for their regular contributions.”
If you’d like to find out more about the Rumney Club, get in touch with Jane via
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