Shrugs to Lugs
One may have to be a born and bred Fifer to appreciate what being a Docky is, and exactly where to find your lugs. However, John Allan, volunteer extraordinaire, had no problem with these or being “awa’ ben ‘n’ find yer baffies oan the bunker” (Translations at the end!)
It was an extremely sad day when our club at Abbeyview in Dunfermline learned of the passing of stalwart member for two whole weeks and steadfast volunteer thereafter, John Allan. John was the second person through the door when the club launched in February 2021 and he really never left and will be with us for a long time to come.
John just loved sport, taking part, watching, reminiscing, he was a true polymath of all things sporty. He ran marathons and indeed appeared quite unbeknown to him in national publications with a random pic taken during one London Marathon. He loved to regale that story.
He played squash and also played a pivotal role with his local club and was senior champion to! John was determined to get back to the courts playing for the opening of the season later this year after falling ill in January. Indeed, he underwent a 12-hour gruelling surgery but was back at the Sporting Memories within weeks complete with anecdotes galore of his time in hospital and recovery. He was in stitches literally so not wanting anyone else to feel left out, he had us all in stitches of laughter.
It really isn’t possible to pin one sport down as his absolute favourite as John made a point of learning and sharing as much as he could about all sports to make sure everyone at the club was included. His quizzes and crosswords were the stuff of legend. They were all carefully thought out to ensure total inclusivity for members and challenging enough for the fellow volunteers to be head scratching as well.
One week the club was a bit short on volunteers so John brought along his wife, Linda, to help out. She stayed and became an important part of the team. The Allan double act was something to behold.
All his life John recognised the importance of regular exercise and he brought that passion to the club where he developed a simple seated routine that all members could enjoy. This is where “Shrugs to Lugs” started. Go on, try it! Raise your shoulders towards your ears and feel the stretch! Everyone knew what to do when it was shrugs time.
His tales of lunchtime football at the Dockyard, brick hard pies and expeditions for Fish Suppers will be sorely missed by all the members of the Dunfermline Club. John is survived by his lovely wife Linda, son, daughter and grandchildren. They will surely be missing him 100 times more.
(Translations for non-Fifers)
Lugs – ears
A Docky – employee of Rosyth Naval Dockyard
“awa’ ben ‘n’ find yer baffies oan the bunker” – Please go through to the back room (often kitchen or scullery) and locate your slippers on the worktop
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