Visiting a historic ground – local Welsh clubs visit Cardiff Arms Park
Over the past couple of months, Sporting Memories Wales has joined forces with the Cardiff Rugby Museum to offer exclusive access to Cardiff Arms Park and the museum for some of our club members across South Wales.
After being initially approached by the Museum, Rob Baker, our Project Co-ordinator for Wales, set the plans in motion for members from our groups across Cardiff and wider South Wales to come along to the two planned visits on 23 November and 14 December.
During the sessions, our club members listened to talks from volunteers at Cardiff Rugby Museum about the history of the Rugby club as well as having the opportunity to view some of the historic memorabilia within the clubhouse and the museum including famous club and Welsh Rugby Union shirts, programmes, match balls and trophies.
Part of the members visit to Cardiff Arms Park also saw them given an exclusive stadium tour which allowed them to view the player`s gym, changing rooms and a walk through the tunnel before entering the pitch.
The two visits have been a roaring success with over 40 club members joining us at Cardiff Arms Park, with the aim of extending this relationship with Cardiff Rugby Museum to deliver more visits and sessions also at our clubs in 2023.
Rob reflected on the two visits by stating: “It’s been brilliant to partner with the Cardiff Rugby Museum to offer this amazing opportunity to our local club members to come and visit Cardiff Arms Park.
“The fact we’ve had to run two visits to the stadium and museum show how popular it has been amongst our members, and we’re really grateful to Cardiff Rugby Museum for being so welcoming to our groups.”
“We’re always keen to offer our members experiences which bring out memories of times gone by and that has been shown by some of those who visited recollecting great games they’ve been to here in the past.”
To find out more about our work in Wales, email Rob via
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