Vital funding to support our volunteers
On International Volunteer Day 2023, we’re delighted to announce we have been awarded a £15,000 donation by The Masonic Charitable Foundation to help our Clubs across England and Wales to recruit, train and support our wonderful volunteers.
The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) is one of the largest grant-making charities in the country. Funded entirely through the generosity of Freemasons and their families, the MCF awards millions of pounds each year to local and national charities that help vulnerable people, advance medical research and provide opportunities for young people.
The funding for us at Sporting Memories will ensure that we can support and grow our squad of brilliant volunteers, who help bring our clubs to life by either facilitating sessions or being helpful assistance for our Club members during sessions.
Our Clubs aim to develop the confidence of older people so that they feel comfortable being part of regular activity and, in turn, improve their mental and physical wellbeing.
In November 2023, One of West Yorkshire’s leading Freemasons, Michael Holmes (below, centre) visited our Club with MaeCare in Leeds, where he joined in the regular fortnightly session, participating in the conversations and activities that took place, including studying a collection of sporting souvenirs provided by Leeds Museums.
James H Newman OBE, head of the Freemasons in Yorkshire, West Riding, said: James H Newman OBE, Head of the Freemasons in Yorkshire, West Riding, said: “It is a matter of real pride for us that we are able to assist the Sporting Memories Foundation develop a programme that will help even more people, who face loneliness and isolation. I am sure there will be a number of Freemasons in the County who will want to be involved as volunteers under this new programme.
“Lodges from every part of the county contribute to the Masonic Charitable Foundation, the movement’s national charity, and anything we can do to bring more people back into society is very worthwhile.’’
Kelly Hart, Director of Impact and Fundraising at Sporting Memories, said: "Sporting Memories Clubs wouldn’t run without the time and dedication of people in the local communities who are willing to help, and this award is vital in enabling us to recruit more volunteers to deliver engaging and fun activities for older sports fans.
“Volunteering can be a great way of giving back and also provides the volunteer with positive mental wellbeing benefits by allowing them to engage with older people.”
To find out more about The Masonic Charitable Foundation, visit
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