Freya shares the impact of our Kirkcaldy Club

We love welcoming visitors to our Clubs who are keen to find out more about the impact of our sessions, and this was true of Freya Buchan, when she recently visited our Club in Kirkcaldy. 

Freya, who has just turned 19, was given an assignment to make a short radio documentary based around mental health or mindfulness for her HNC course at Fife College at the Shenton Campus in Glenrothes. She popped along to our Sporting Memories Scotland Club to speak with members and staff.  

David Burns, a member of our club in Kirkcaldy for four years, was the source of inspiration to the young media and communications student recently.  

Family Connections 

She chose Sporting Memories as her subject because she has seen first-hand how beneficial it is for older people as her Grandad comes along every week. As Freya said: “my Grandad seems fulfilled every time he goes.”  

Freya added: “My perception of older people has changed. Being so much younger than the members I didn’t really think about what they’ve been through until I talked to them and found out how much they have actually experienced. 

My biggest takeaway from the interviews was that it taught me that social gatherings and reminiscing can be such a good thing for the brain and it helps older people come together and make friends” 

The Finished Piece 

After the interview it took Freya around 4 hours altogether to create the radio feature on the audio editing software and we think you will agree she has done a first-class job!  

Listen here - 

She has also created an excellent short video as part of her course which you can watch here and learn even more about the club and in which her Grandad appears. BTW the way the rolling headlines are quite funny and worth a watch. 


A New Career? 

We asked Freya if she intended to make media her career pathway, but she said she hasn’t made her mind up yet. However, no matter what career path she chooses, doing this has made a big difference to her confidence. Freya finished with: “Doing this for the first time, interviewing people and making a radio documentary has made me feel more confident about speaking and talking to people as I’ve grown up with anxiety and I actually enjoyed putting everything together so doing this as a job might be in my future.” 


Comments: 1 (Add)

Alex Kilgour on February 5 2025

Well done Freya Great video Was a pleasure meeting and talking with you at the Kirkcaldy Sporting Memories meetings


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Bringing older people together to reduce isolation and loneliness

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Supporting older people to improve their mental wellbeing

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