Heather and Lorna show the power of inclusivity at Sporting Memories Scotland
With it being Scottish Women and Girls in Sport week and the theme being leadership, we thought at Sporting Memories HQ that we would take a look at the only club in Scotland with women at the forefront.
But first some context: Sporting Memories is all about reminiscing, remembering and replaying sporting moments for our older members. Our members in Scotland are all over the age of 50 but predominantly 65+. Those members very much come from a time when sport was much more a ‘bloke’ thing. Of course, there were women who enjoyed and played sport just as much, but not the levels or numbers we see today.
Therefore, it is not a surprise that the majority of our members are men and the volunteers at Clubs are mainly men too; however, we do have a good number of women volunteers who have become leaders at their Clubs and bring them truly to life!
We would love to change that but what’s the secret?
So, in celebration of this special sporting week for women and girls we headed to Cambusnethan, a small village in North Lanarkshire, where Heather Venesky and Lorna Wood are the formidable team at the head of the local Sporting Memories club.
We didn’t even have to ask which room the meeting was in on arrival: the hoots of laughter and many voices meant a room full of people enjoying themselves so that must be Sporting Memories!
Some background on Heather and Lorna:
The group started in September 2018. Numbers were modest to begin with but the club soon flourished. Carers would leave their loved one in our hands and quite quickly the habit of them congregating in the cafe (which was adjacent to our meeting room but quite separate) for a coffee, chat or just mutual support and friendship developed.?
Heather’s dad was a stalwart member from the outset and she brought him every week. She stayed with him as support but soon realised that she was enjoying the group more and more. It didn’t take much persuasion to have Heather sign up as a Volunteer.
Lorna was encouraged to come along when as she had expressed interest in volunteering. She had some mental health issues at the time and found that the volunteering was beneficial for her. It turned out that Lorna and Heather knew each other from years gone by, but soon a close friendship blossomed and Lorna also signed up to volunteer.
Covid came along and like many other places and groups, the world changed overnight, but after restrictions were lifted Lorna and Heather were raring to get started again. They recognised first-hand the beneficial effects of our work and also that a new venue was needed, which was found at Made4UinML2 community hub.
Due to their commitment, the Club has gone from strength to strength, including developing a relationship with a local care home. Residents are brought to the club and (entirely in their own time and on their own initiative) they go regularly to the home with Shaun, our other volunteer. They have also built as strong relationship with the local Asda Community Foundation.
Listen in to what Kelly Alexander, the Asda Community Champion, has to say and right at the start she uses the magic word of their success…
Did you get that? It is “Inclusivity”
It was quite obvious from the start that having two such cheery women at the forefront made it much more comfortable for other women to join. Consequently, the conversation was much wider in sporting scope but equally as vibrant and sparking many memories. Heather and Lorna get the balance right and the members agree. Here’s what some of them said:
“I meet Heather and Lorna at a group they helped with dementia sufferers, and the care and attention they gave my mother was something I will never forget. My husband and myself joined Sporting Memories when we realised that both of them attended it. We have never looked back since and look forward to Lorna’s fun facts every week, even if I can’t remember them and Heather has always a welcoming smile and hug when needed. We both love the sport games we play. Both these ladies are irreplaceable as the warmth and care they give is so natural for them, we both can say we have met two friends for life” Anon.
“I first started coming with my husband and since he has passed, but I still come because they make you feel so welcome, have amazing patience and genuinely care for you” Isabell.
“Both are brilliant and do a great job” Willie.
“If it wasn’t for Heather and Lorna, I don’t know where I’d be. They’ve helped me get a life back” Shaun, a young volunteer at the Club.
During this week of Women and Girls in Sport our message has to be “Women and Girls in Leadership roles with all gender groups leads to better inclusivity and wellbeing for all”
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